Thursday, May 28, 2015

New remote FM-DX-installation to Utö-island

I installed again, in May 2015, remoted controlled FM-DX-equipment to distant Utö-island, SW Finland.
There is now 3 computers and 3 receivers tuneable. Some photos and videos here in Utö-blog:

Also I have  another remote-FM-DXin Mid-West-Finland. See below, previous text,


Unknown said...

Hello Harri, I just posted on an item you had during a visit to Dublin back in 2007 where you mentioned the old WLKR 1503khz TX.
I used to work there as a DJ and worked on that TX when just a teenager. I have asked on that post if anyone knows the whereabouts of that TX today? I would dearly love to have it. I still live in Bandon and miss those days. I only came across your blog by accident - I will be keeping a watching brief. Thanks and best wishes, Paul

UplayOnline said...

Thanks and best wishes, Paul
